Serving Gloucestershire & Oxfordshire areas
Foot + Facial Reflexology
A powerful yet natural therapy for women managing head-related symptoms such as tinnitus, sinusitis and Bell’s Palsy, using a combination of foot reflexology and award-winning facial reflexology Bergman Method.
“Share a client’s experience that will elicit the feeling of bliss from the person reading it .”
-Happy client
hi, i’m oxytocin
A little blurb about you, your why and what makes you different to other reflexologists.

faqs - address any concerns potential clients may have. reassure them with your expertise - they’re in safe hands.
Dispel any myths about the therapy, explain how blissful it feels etc.
Elaborate on the types of conditions you specialise in or like working with.
Explain how each work differently or targets specific conditions due to its location etc.